If you’ve finally made the decision to get rid of that excess fat, taking the first step with CoffeeTox will get you on the right path. One of the questions we get asked most is: “Eh, so when will it start working ah?”.
If you’re looking for a quick answer…
So fast one?
Yes, we’re not lying. Technically, as CoffeeTox contains the necessary fat-burning active ingredients, it can start working shortly after consumption.
You’ll start to feel some changes as the ingredients kick in. For example, you’ll feel energized and more awake thanks to the stimulant properties of the ingredients. Some even claimed they went to the toilet within an hour or two.
However, that might not be the answer you’re looking for if you’re wondering: “When will the bakar lemak effect start to work?”.
We know you’re busy, that’s why we’ve done ALL the hard work for you. All you have to do is drink our coffee consecutively for 28 days to see AMAZING results.
To help you truly understand how CoffeeTox works and the changes your body will be going through, we’ve simplified everything you need to know below.
PHASE 1: Body Purification (7 Days)
Also known as the “detox” phase, CoffeeTox works like the Alam Flora of your body during the first 7 days by cleaning out all harmful substances and toxins, giving you a total body cleanse. Sounds good, right?
This explains why most of our customers started doing their “business” just moments after drinking CoffeeTox. Rilek, it’s normal ok!
PHASE 2: Metabolism Boost (21 Days)
The 8th day is when the magic starts to happen.
As Malaysians, we love to complain. Do you have friends who complain that they don’t eat much yet they tend to gain weight easily? Or are you that someone? If that’s you, it may be that you have a slow metabolism. People with a slow metabolism tend to have more leftover calories, which get stored as FAT.
Metabolism and weight loss are forever linked as each one affects the other. People with high metabolism are able to burn more calories and lose weight more quickly.
Exercising is a commonly known method to rev up your metabolic rate. But here’s the good news: you DON’T have to only depend on exercise and training to give your metabolism a boost. There are other ways to do so with much less effort, and there’s no easier option than by drinking CoffeeTox for 28 consecutive days! But how?
Guarana extract – one of our favorite ingredients in CoffeeTox, is a natural extract known to increase fat oxidation and enhance body metabolism. Studies have proven that guarana not only suppresses fat-producing cells but in fact, helps to slow them down.
Thanks to quality ingredients, CoffeeTox is incredibly effective in helping you lose weight and keep it off, while also giving you more energy throughout the day.
As you age, your metabolism begins to slow down. This is why you might realize you’ve put on weight even though your habits haven’t changed.
If you want to eat more without gaining weight, and burn calories just by doing nothing—plus look and feel BETTER, coffee lover or not, CoffeeTox is the one for you!
Don’t Just Dream of the Perfect Body – Achieve It With Coffeetox.
All it takes is just 28 days! Try it out today.